Xmas tips & weight management
Enjoy yourself and keep the extra Lbs at bay this Christmas & New Year! Here's my tips and they may not be what you think!! The time...
ONLY 6 PLACES LEFT!! For more information or to sign up get in contact!
A Genuine example of achievement
Here's Marci's achievements so far. Evident to see the fantastic changes in body composition. Images taken 14 months apart. Starting at...
A bootcamp result
Val's no new comer to Bootcamp but each time she build on the great results she achieves. These are her latest achievements. Fantastic...
NEW YEAR Early Morning H.I.I.T Sessions
Those that have a plan and take action are far more likely to achieve their goals that those that wing it. This 6 week program is perfect...
Where many people go wrong
... In the gym Working from a General health and fitness facility i have the opportunity to assess and make correlations whilst in the...
Bootcamp commences
In 3 days time the Last bootcamp of this year will commence. I have added an additional 3 weeks to this program and excited to develop,...
Be a winner!
The winning mentality is such a big quality to have. I truly believe its not a case of simply being born with it or not. As with most...
GRATITUDE Cost absolutely nothing to you, but holds powerful value! Acknowledging lessons learned, progress made and being thankful...