So the Dates are set for the next bootcamp of this year which will also be the last of this year! BONUS: i have added an additional 3...
never stop learning from the very best!
This year i invested in Meeting up with My Mentor again Charles Poliquin and learn his KCE protocols. This was an incredible weekend!...
What an eye opener!
Last Year i invested in A Blood Marker Analysis to get a real understanding of my situation. I had the opportunity to meet one of the...
June BOOTCAMP continuing 100% success rate!
Another fully booked group and more awesome results. June saw multiple people break through plateaus and get them back on track achieving...
On the back of the results seen and felt in Septembers bootcamp the January event has sold out. Keep your eyes peeled for announcements...
September Bootcamp 100% success rate!
The Fat loss September bootcamp group did fantastically well! every single participant worked for and received a better body composition....
FAT LOSS BOOTCAMP COMING BACK SEPTEMBER! Complete breakdown will be revealed end of July. Last group we saw a fantastic overall total of...
More client testimonials coming in
When I 1st met Matt I felt I was motivated enough to train to improve my wellbeing myself, but after training with him for about 3...
Bootcamp testimonials
Here is whats being said after achieving awesome results in bootcamp... "Thoroughly enjoyed bootcamp, the advice, help & support provided...