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Cost absolutely nothing to you, but holds powerful value!

Acknowledging lessons learned, progress made and being thankful actually has a biological effect. As do all emotions.

when you are grateful to yourself you usually tend to be in a great mood or put yourself in a great mood.

When you are grateful to someone else you do the same to both!

which in turn sets your mood. Which in turn sets your biology. short or long term.

So the more grateful you are the more your biology is happy. Happiness in its natural sense equates to healthy good functioning and lowered / minimal / reduced / non existent stress.

When stress isn't present the body and mind is running well.

The above is a simplistic way of explaining it BUT sometimes simple is best!

So every opportunity you have to say thank you, or compliment i encourage you to do so.

And those on the receiving end accept it without throwing a but on the end. The gratitude isn't there for you to reject or disprove its there to build bonds.

be grateful to yourself and those around you for the impacts they make and the contributions they make to you.

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