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MYTH BUSTING this December

There are some old outdated opinions and myths that just wont go away! So heres your annual update / reminder…

YOUR MUSCLE and lean mass IS A BUFFER & your gateway to fatloss.

your lean mass is metabolically active. This means that it requires constant calories (energy) to keep it going and stopping it from breaking down (catabolism)

Your fat stores / body fat are energy reserves. (calories stored for later if and when needed.)This means theyre NOT metabolically active in comparison. They require exactly zero calories to hang about (excuse the pun)

so it makes sense to focus your efforts to stimulate the active tissue which in turn starts to utilize the inactive tissue (usingcthe energy reserves.) doing so by training / activity & nutritional choices.

if you focus on fatloss as your main driver then its glass half empty approach and will often lead to frustration and impulsive decisions which then Lead to inconsistency and great frustrstion. A pepetual cycle of chaos. Break the negative loop!

focus on what you can gain, not what you want to loss! And youll make both happen! (gains being lean mass, strength, fitness, endurance) losses being excess stored energy.

want to speed your metabolism? focusing on your strength is the way to do it!





Notice or wonder how those with more muscle mass can get away with eating more than you or eating ‘junk’ and not ‘getting fatter’ whencyou feel like you glimpse at the an advert of a doughnut and gain 2lbs.

its all to do with metabolic rate!

Your lean mass is your buffer. The more muscle mass you have the greater your metabolic rate.

Greater muscle mass requires more energy.

Your muscle mass is expensive to run metabolically speaking so if it doesnt need it, itll happily lose some whilst holding on to fat.

Ladies especially.. We arent talking about body building here. We arent saying you have to be a walking walnut. But focusing your efforts on performance and maintaining / developing your muscle mass its an optimal recipe for success medium to long term. with great returns short term too. not just in fitness but in health.

one of the greatest indicators of longevity for quality of life? muscle mass! This means the longer you can retain an adequate amount of muscle in life the greater the quality of your life will be. Youll fight off getting weaker, frail, less mobile and better chance of retaining your independance longer Generally speaking.

lets clear some other points up…

Getting TONED translates to fat loss. Bringing your skin closer to your muscles to show more definition requires lessening whats between them… body fat whilst maintaining or developing the muscles to give them better ‘shape’

Getting DEFINITION translates to fat loss and the above.

The most under utilized strategy for fatloss is aiming to get stronger! wothout a doubt.

You can do 1 million is ups per day it wont burn the fat on your midsection. It will thicken the abs underneath the fat sure, but it wont reduce your waist Line.

Booty bands are good rehab options depending on needs but theyre not so great at doing what instagram says they do.

Those gimmicks are simply easily accessible tools for narcisist and self centred wanna be models to make their ass the focus on a video clip. Stop watching and comparing yourself! Youre worth is not based on that fakery! (Have i just invented a word?)

Want to know the methods for actual glute growth. GET STRONGER and frequent deadlifts, squats, lunges, high step, single leg varieties of the above… then eat in line with the goal aswell as REST & RECOVERY strategies.

Stop buting into these ideas of strangers or old outdated wives tales. theyre there controlling you, holding you back and making misery.

can you relate? Any questions/ thoughts fire away!



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