the 4th of 5 - self improvement
Some walls are required!
Evolution gave us a means of internal defences to protect us and ensure our best chance of survival. unconsciously we have the first defence which is the skin. Consciously we have our senses to detect and determine a response to a given threat. whatever the threat.
But what about the modern world that is ever connected and exchanging information and communication. how do we protect our mental health? but not only its health, deeper; our sense of identity, our character, self worth and aspirations often and rightly challenged, tested and adjusted BUT to an unrelenting and overbearing frequency.
Unfortunately far to many people allow there self worth to be determined by the internet. So if we as individuals are going to see our own goals through we need to actively set our standards, build our walls and get those lines of defence working just as the bodies immune system does.
95% of the internet has us comparing ourselves to each other and attacking self esteem or distracting us by continually needing our attention and affecting our mood; which pulls us away from our goals.
So any plan for maximum results in today's world need to have a method of how to handle social media and media in general.
What i find works well with clients is to limit screen time as a standard. On occasion or at periods of intensification avoid them completely (during personal time.) The results of this are quite amazing.
All of a sudden you've gained head space
You have gained time - you realise how much time you spend scrolling
Your mood is better because you arent exposing yourself to the problems of the world in all their forms
you gain ACTUAL quality time with family and friends, not just being in the room with them but mentally present also.
then there is the health benefits. Stress lowered, sleep quality improved, nutrition and eating habits improved, productivity up - including exercise.
All benefiting weight, health fitness.
Now this is not to say don't enjoy them ever again. But understand when you are driving toward a goal; Its an obstacle.
Set your standards. Allow yourself a time limit and how much exposure, what you expose yourself to and in what forms.
All the intentions in the world don't produce results. ACTION does!
so when your mood, mindset and attention is affected by a screen ACTION is negatively affected.
Set your boundaries and stick with them!