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Lee's Transformation week 1 - 3 updates

So i'm going to back track a little and get you up to speed with what i'm doing and how its going...

Week 1 to Week 3 - i'm first point of call before getting all specific to soon its about simply reigning it all in and cleaning my nutrition and training up.

Bringing everything back to basics, and cleaning up my diet - this means no alcohol, no chocolate, no biscuits or crisps or Ice Cream (I had developed and Ice cream belly). I need to return to eating lots of protein, vegetables, drink lots of water and increase my overall food consumption.

This weekend always involves drinking and socialising and we’ve been invited out…..wasn’t really feeling this initially as I didn’t want to be in the pub whilst I’m doing this 12 week transformation, I didn’t want to be tempted. However once I’d thought about it I thought well why not?

I don’t need to have alcohol I don’t have to participate if I choose not to

and do I really want this interfering with my end goal and results - the answer is no! So I went to the pub and I sat there with my pint of water and was quite happy doing so! Discipline and consistency is the key if you want to see the results at the end of this journey, I’ve come this far so why ruin something good.

Fast forward a week...

I’ve had a few good weeks training overall and it’s all been going really well until today!! I was setting up a class and pulled a bench out but was chatting at the time so didn’t do it in the correct manner and ended up twisting my back, which put a downer on my training day which was supposed to be a leg training day (No I wasn’t trying to get out of it honestly).

So change of plan with training what I did do is keep moving and stretching I didn’t allow this to set me back I jumped on the bike and did a bit of cardio….15 mile bike ride.

Don’t let these little things put you off and stop you reaching/achieving your goals just keep going! If you need to adapt then adapt, change or alter but don't stop just because something unfortunate happens. There is always something you can do!!

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