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  • TAKE A MOMENT  As a country we are in Lockdown. For some its been slightly longer than others. we are all having to live a daily life that seems so alien to us. Things many of us take for granted are to be avoided to help the situation at present.  Many of you will wake this morning to huge sense of uncertainty. Not just with working life and finances but just in day to day living.  Many of you are often busy and have a routine they go through during the day. For many including us, thats been squashed. Something as simple as waking up to an alarm and getting going through your morning routine ready for work. Including packing your gym bag for the after work workout.  I often tell you to PAUSE Now is more important than ever to TAKE A MOMENT to pause and reflect. Work to see your situation objectively. The negative thoughts may come rushing in so we need to pause and start searching for those positives. Actively go looking for them and dont stop looking. For every negative find 3 positives.  Uncertainty brings panic and fear along with doubt. Don’t ignore these feelings but don’t let them rule your decision making either. Acknowledge them and continue to seek out positives no matter how small.  something to ponder... research shows when we are stressed overall we make poorer decisions. This is because blood flow isn’t concerned so much supplying the brain, its focus is the body. Giving your body the resources to fight or flight. The major point here is that your body hasn’t evolved as fast as society. It doesnt know the difference between an ecomonc crash and being chased by a lion.  the stress response by the body is always the same.  so we actively need to work on controlling what we can to help lower our stresses. Not ignoring them but overcoming them in successful and effective ways.  its a good time to take a moment to pause. Take a deep breath and find some positives of this situation we find ourselves in.  lets us know of ways you find effective or if you need help reach out we’d like to hear from you Matt


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