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GENERAL Populations

And their goals...

General Populations.

Thats most of you guys!

The best way to achieve your goals and maintain them is to know your starting point. In all fairness its kinda of a ‘stay in your lane’ scenario because its for your own good and more achieveable.

Most approaches you see are extremes or are for specific populations. specific population examples would be an athlete of a given discipline. Olympians, body builders, sports stars. Fitness models, movie stars. These are at least the glorified ones.

you should question whether it matters when applied to you.

As General populations you face different daily challenges and obstacles than someone in a specific population for the most part. Ok granted emotionally they may be the same. Hunger is hunger after all. However if in ‘gen pop’ you arent paid to wake up workout all else around you taken care of.

You have to fit all of life in around your goals. This means working a plan nutritionally that works for you and is geared toward your goals. Find time to workout, Along side contribute socially to friends, family occasions and all the rest. Make sacrifices that those around you do not, or even understand often meaning you have to develop a thicker skin.

In my experience setting strong foundations and doing the basics effectively is the magic! Those basics are determined by your lifestyle, habits and surroundings. Theres not a one size fits all.

Do the basics well and build from there if and when. This means being consistant and accepting of the process you are taking. It will vastly differ from elite sportsmen and women along with movie stars. So dont compare! Certainly dont buy into the hype! You only see what they want you to see (or buy)

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