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3 of a kind

BE KIND... to yourself and others.

We aren't going to start talking fairy tales or perfects worlds. But this is a very important and often overlooked factor. Unfortunately for many people the intense or huge expectations they set upon themselves come from a desperate need to change.

So looking upon the bits or areas they 'hate' or 'disgust' them lead to self loathing, judgement and often looking at others in jealousy even more so in the age of social media! 

The truth of the matter is twisted. lets simplify it down to love and hate for better understanding. how can the outcome be love of self; by means of hate of self? 99.999999% of the time cant. 

Having a goal is a positive thing, having purpose is fulfilling. we ALL want to improve and be better at various things. As we change so does our perspective and our goals. 

This is why language is important. the terms you use in your head or vocally are a product of your mind set.

the term 'thoughts become things' rings true

Recognising you're on a journey of improvement; yes even weight loss is a journey of improvement. Is an important factor to understand. Every action you take toward your goal should be from a place of love for self not hate for self. 

we exercise because we can, we push ourselves because we can and we want the best for ourselves in quality of life and quantity of life. Your contribution to health and fitness by ways of eating and exercise are a positive thing.

So look to your motivating factors and remind yourself of them daily. Check they are from a kind place. No matter the reasoning be kind to yourself. 

Don't hammer yourself into the ground mentally, emotionally and physically. It wont produce the results you want. 

You want to engage change because you can and are able. that's a great thing, some even call a gift!

Stay strong & be kind 


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