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Day 15 End is in sight

Last 5 days Coming to the end of my intensive program. My morning started with having my measurements done to track progress. I was feeling a little bloated this morning after the weekend and not as lean as last week, this happens and sometimes we just feel this way don't you think?

Weight was up by a few pounds but that was the be expected. When you eat higher carbs, you hold water and regain a little weight. This is one reason why people shouldn't focus on scales so much as they do. it doesn't tell you the weight consists of, it doesn't tell you the whole story. Matt did my measurements using his Calipers to assess what my body composition is - how much fat and how much muscle.

Great news I'm 0.7 % fat down again with muscle mass increase, so still going in the right direction- refeed worked! See the difference there? the scale gave me a potentially negative answer, if i would have left it there i would have changed something like eating less or training more along with being in a less than good mood... Ditch the scales!

So only a slight change in my requirements this week, slightly Less carbs and slightly more protein and fat. I was hoping for more calories, but sadly no!

Only cardio this morning followed by Tabata class this evening; its a great class based around body weight intervals. You don’t have to have intense workouts everyday this can have a negative affect on the body,, one mistake i used to make a lot was too much training and not enough recovery. Some days it’s nice to get the heart rate up but not push yourself to the max.

I'm typically not a fan of taking part in classes. I quite like to decide my own exercises and own rests but it’s good to change it up. I have also increased the walking I do. I’m not lazy but so tend to drive the shortest of journeys. So I have started to walk to the gym to get that extra cardio in. Food still going great. Although I didn’t manage to eat until 11.30 today and that’s late for me.

Had a busy morning with things and time got away. This however helped me through the day as I was eating everything later and didn’t get hungry. Overall Today was a good day and I have managed to prep my for a few days and plan myself up until Friday.

I’m very determined and can’t wait to see the overall results!

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