Week 4 Lee's Transformation Journey...
Week 4 - Diet & Training
Now the diet has been cleaned up its now time to get serious matt has calculated my calorie intake and has set some food guidelines. My calorie intake has changed to be more specific after building some nutritional consistency. Ill tracking meticulously through My Fitness Pal trying to hit those numbers. Some breakfast is to consist of meat & nuts…….Yes you heard right Meat & NUTS - if you haven’t tried this yet OMG it is yummy my new favourite breakfast. Matt introduced me to this upon return from his attending his Coaching Seminars Coach Poliquin.
I choose to go for Steak; the benefits of this type of breakfast are it raises dopamine and acetyl-Choline which are the two most important neurotransmitters for focus and drive, something that you need if you commit to this kind of transformation. The steak allows for the slow and steady rise in blood sugar and the nuts provide healthy smart fats that allow the blood sugar to remain stable for a period of time - I also have a cup of black coffee, let me tell you it’s delicious go and try it!! Lunch and dinner consists of chicken or fish and I generally rotate these, I also drink at least 2/3 litres of water per day alongside pepper mint/green tea. My training program has intensified too.

Listen to Matt talk about the body and the effects and you will come to realise just how much we over look, mis-understand and take for granted. When you understand the hows and whys of the body you are much better informed to make the best decisions for yourself.
its that Time of the month!
This has all coincided with the dreaded “time of the month” along with some other personal stresses that I have had to deal with. This week I’ve felt tired, stressed and haven’t really felt like training……But I’ve pushed through and I’ve trained every day i'm meant too and I’ve felt better for it after I’ve finished training - sometimes you just have to push through to get to the other side. The sense of achievement after a all-out hard workout is amazing!! especially when not feeling up for it. Its true what they say... no one regrets a workout!
we are at the end of the week and today I’ve had my 4 week check in to see how I’m progressing with my transformation - I’d already took another photo and compared and you can visibly see the difference.
However Drum Roll... 4 weeks in and my body fat has come down from 20.1 to 17.6 YESS!!!
I’m on the right track and I am ecstatic after the week I’ve had this has given me the little boost that I needed. I’m excited and motivated now to see these next few weeks through to see where this journey is going to take me - on wards and upwards!