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Life happens! Lees update week 5

Social event - Weekend away

When embarking on a 12 week transformation it’s not really helpful if you have social events occurring during this time and equally social events to pop up - what do you do during these periods?

well it depends on your mindset and how badly you want the end result. When I started 5 weeks ago I know I had a few events still coming up - a 40th Birthday weekend in Devon, an 18th Birthday (my sons) and also a wedding reception.

So I’ve already scheduled in and have got my head around them - I’m usually an all or nothing type of person so if I’m in then I’m in 100% and won’t be swayed.

Well this weekend was the 40th Birthday in Devon so in my head I’m already pre-preparing in terms of food etc. The birthday party is outdoors and its either bring a picnic or sourdough pizzas, no I do love a pizza however I need to keep on track if I want the end result and I’ve done well up until now and see my body starting to change which is amazing to see so I don’t want to ruin that now - consistency is key in this process.

Fail to prepare/prepare to fail

Up at 5am on Saturday morning so that we can be on the road for 6/6:30ish to Devon, so that we arrive early so we can have the full day there. We stopped on route at the services for a coffee and planned to have breakfast when we arrive in Devon. So hungry by the time we get there and opt for poached eggs and avocado which was delicious (no steak on the menu) - I’m already thinking about lunch time!!! The party is due to start at 2pm so a quick trip to waitrose (other supermarkets are available) it’s posh down here in Devon!! I decide to buy some cooked chicken breast salad and cous cous, a little pot of melon and also a little pot of olives to snack on. This was enough to make up 4 Tupperware pots of food to take to the party with me.

Did I drink?

….YES I DID! I drank water which seemed to annoy the hell out of people who automatically assume that your not having a good time if your not participating in drinking alcohol. It didn’t stop me dancing or singing or having fun and I felt quite smug the following day as well when everyone else was hanging!

Don’t give in to peer pressure if your mind is set on a goal don’t let anyone sway you. Now the only thing I didn’t do this weekend was train however I did do lots of walking over 10,000 steps each day!

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