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Terri's Journey Day 2

Day 2

Today has been a lot harder for me exercise wise.

I got up sleepily this morning for my morning Tabata - today's choice of morning exercise. I had a few nuts, water and green tea to wake me up as its important to get something in before intense exercise.

I have had a green tea on walking up everyday for years. I love my little morning routine, as I’m sure you guys have your own too!

Mornings, they can be one of the hardest routines to break as we often can be sleepy or half asleep and habit takes over. Perhaps it takes will power some time to wake up too. If you area person that struggles with morning routine Don't give in, keep working on improving it and it will get there.

Food wise I will give myself another 10/10 for the day. One thing you will get to know about me and one thing that drives the hubby crazy is that I do things to the T. 100% to the letter with no wavering. Me personally would say this is one of my strengths! But Matt believes in flexibility.

2nd workout of the day under the supervision of Matt was a tough one. We are going to be doing full body workouts throughout this process which i don’t usually do. I usually opt for 1 body part of a time which I find better as I just ache in one area rather than all over. One positive point about completely changing up my workouts is that my body will get a shock and fingers crossed will get better results. The dress relies on it. Tense times!

Dinner down and now it’s time for an hours rest before teaching yoga. As its a late class tonight Ive eaten last meal before as not t eat right before bed time which can interfere with sleep and reduce its quality which then has a knock on effect the next day. Sometimes it cannot be helped but if it can the do so. Matt usually has us eating 2 - 3 hours before bedtime.

Overall a tough day but a successful one!

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