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Achieving goals...

Achieving goals... part 1

Spur of the moment goals tend not to materialize, this is because they don't have enough back up or foundations to work from.

When committing to a goal it has to become a priority in life for a given period of time. from the moment you make it, weeks down the line, months, years dependent on what your goals are.

The majority of your behaviours and actions have to reinforce your commitment because if they aren't drawing you toward then you can be sure that they're pulling you away or holding you back.

As soon as you let your guard down and allow for 'buts' and justifications for lowering of your own standards it really does become an even greater task.

-Prioritize what is important to you now and in the future

-Back it up everyday with your actions, thoughts and behaviours

Don't be scared to change a behaviour to suit you and whats required. Breakfast is an example of this... society states we should be starting the day on cereals. A fat loss/ weight management goal NEEDS different. So does this mean you will continue to have cereal because this is what 'everyone else' does resulting in you lowering your own standards? or are you going to take your fate into your own hands and do something with optimal results?

It can be a scary thing to do something that everyone else is not doing, even as simple as the above. It feels abnormal and akward... but guess what happens socially when you choose to eat a protein & fats breakfast over cereals.... NOTHING. your body will actually thank you for it, you will feel secretly good energy wise and have lost the bloated feeling but you will feel that's its wrong because the majority pull a face at you (like they know best)

So there's a few things you can do in this instance...

- don't tell people or social media what you are eating (the quiet ones go unnoticed, until their results are notice and they're envy of everyone) -if people feel the need to comment on your food choice tell them to look down and they should be more concerned with what they choose to eat rather than pass judgement on others with their uneducated and worthless opinion..

It can be a lonely road and cause you to have to 'miss out' on social events and 'you only live once, f**k it' mentality (that happens to creep in every weekend).'

part 2...

you are the average of the 5 people you are most around. whether you like it or not. we absorb the energy of others and give it in return. So surrounding yourself with limiting people will result in you being limited no matter how positive, ambitious and strong willed you are.

So then it comes down to whats more of a priority to you? short term you will go 'f**k it,' but long term is the specific part of the question at hand. Give yourself a few seconds to overlook the impulse answer and ask yourself with the longer term at the front of your mind.

No one is giving you the answer but you, its your life, your decisions and actions , your standards...

do whats right by you and the standards you want to live by.

Be the lone wolf, be the person that stands up and is counted, be the person that is accountable for themselves only and not others because that is their job.


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